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It's mandatory for every student, starting into studies at TU Dresden: Getting a safety and fire protection instruction. But hey, let's combine the useful with the pleasant! The team at International Institute (IHI) Zittau welcomes new double degree students from TU Liberec on Friday, September 29th, 2023.

We will meet you at Zittau train station at the train, arriving from Liberec at 8.56 (depature at Liberec: 8.28), show you the way to our institute, passing through Zittau's amazing historical town centre and start the obligatory part at about 9.30 at Market 21, introducing you to the relevant regulations - and the persons, responsible for study administration at IHI.

Afterwards, there will be some information on your first mandatory module at IHI: Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language Skills.

Looking forward to meet you!

The IHI team.

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Diploma seminar: Methodology of Science - course SIM for the International Management students who plan to register for the Diploma Thesis at FE TUL will take place in June 2023 (you will be still 1st year students), even if the enrollment into the course is in summer semester of the 2nd year of study.
More information:
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Teaching in Summer Semester for 1st year of Follow up Master study programme:

Teaching:14 weeks

27.02.2023 - 02.06.2023

Assessment period – no teaching: 5 weeks

05.06.2023 - 07.07.2023

Summer holidays: 8 weeks

08.07.2023 - 31.08.2023


Teaching in Summer Semester for 2nd year of Follow up Master study programme:

Teaching: 9 weeks

27.02.2023 - 28.04.2023

Assessment period – no teaching                                                            

24.04.2023 - 30.06.2023

Submission of the Master’s diploma thesis

not later than 05.05.2023

Submission of the study form from IS STAG

not later than 20.05.2023

Enrolment for the Final State Examination (subject matter) via IS STAG

not later than 20.05.2023


Final State Examination - subject matter

29.05.2023 - 16.06.2023

Preliminary date of graduation ceremony: between 26.06.2023 and 07.07.2023. The exact date will be announced by the Dean of the Faculty.

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In 1993, on February 15h, TU Liberec, Politechnika śląska, Akademia Ekonomiczna im Oskara Lange we Wrocławiu (today: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu), TUBA Freiberg and University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (HSZG) commonly founded the International Institute (IHI) Zittau as a unique, transnationally ruled model, designed to commonly educate the future Europeans! It's worth reminding, that in the early 90ies, Czech and Polish membership in the EU still was a vision and the Bologna space, enabling students to complete their education in several countries, wasn't much more than a dream...

In 2013, IHI Zittau became a part of the university of excellence TU Dresden, upgrading the status of its diplomas and today, a common double degree with EF TUL on a common Central European Campus is a reality! So, in a world of trouble and a Europe, finding itself back in war, this birthday could give us some hope and encourage us to work together for a better common Europe. Our common new partnership with TU Kharkiv could be a starting point for that...

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Students of International Management created a helpful GUIDE TO DIGITAL TOOLS at both universities!!!


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As a tradition of TU Dresden's International Institute (IHI) Zittau, new students are received in a ceremony at the magnificent Zittau Town Hall. On October 10th, IHI Zittau's international partners, among them also TU Liberec's rector Prof. Brzezina and EF TUL's vice-dean Prof. Strýčková, brought out their welcome adresses to 100 new students, coming from 24 countries on four continents. A newcomer among them: TU Kharkiv! As a professor of TU Kharkiv's Institute of Management currently lives as a refugee in the Zittau region, IHI Zittau is aiming at a sustainable partnership with that university. Prof. Nataliia Krasnokutska, director of TU Kharkiv's Institute of Management, gave a short update of the partner and its current situation due to the Russian attack.



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Study "International Management" on CENTRAL EUROPEAN CAMPUS NISA/NEISSE with a combination of English- and German-taught courses! Find more information on the enrolment process here:


The schedule of the Final State Examination at EF TUL will be available on the website of FE one or two week before the exam:

Zprávy pro studenty - Ekonomická fakulta TUL